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Start Page – Zip Code (location) Question

This is information about the start page and zip code and is the first box. I suppose it should have an admin label.

Page Two – Questions 1 through 4

There are 3 visible questions, and the fourth is visually dependent on the answer to #3 being yes. Changes to #1 included “where you access class materials and complete class assignments?” For #2, it was changed to “personal mobile hotspot” which may include a smart phone or a carrier device. Number 3 uses “person device” and examples that allows you to …

Page Three – Speed Test and Questions 5 through 6

This is the speed test page. The statement “An internet speed test is going to run from your connection (maybe, current location and internet connection). When it completes (takes about 30 seconds or less), it will display download and upload speeds.

Do we need to know where they are in the context of online learning? At home on their desktop or laptop connected to an ISP. At a cafe connected to a public wifi. Connected to their personal hotspot.

End of Survey Feedback

Should there be an opened response here to ask about what else they need or expect to be helpful for online learning this fall and going forward.

Need to improve the Thank you statement.

Your Name Bill Young
Your Email Email hidden; Javascript is required.
Entry ID 21028
Entry Date September 25, 2020