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Page Two – Questions 1 through 4

For question 1–I would think we would want to separate the Yes answer into two: Yes-I have a reliable internet connection at home, or Yes–I have can travel to another location for reliable internet.
Or this could be a separate question, but students who have to travel or can only access internet from their cars in a parking lot at their campus is a very different experience and they have very different needs than someone who has it at home.
Or make question 1–do you have reliable internet connection at home and then when they say no, then ask if they can travel to a location with a reliable connection.

Also for question 3, some of our students are having to share devices with their siblings or others in their household. I would think that we would want to distinguish between these situations–Do you have exclusive use of a personal devise or do you have to share a personal device.

Your Name Loralyn Taylor
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Entry ID 21057
Entry Date October 5, 2020