Connecting Ohio's Classrooms Since 1979
The OECN was formed in 1979 by the Ohio state legislature to create a more uniform state financial accounting system for Ohio schools. At that time, the ITCs were called A-Sites, and many were formed around phone company boundaries. The purpose was to collect financial data in a consistent and economical manner. At the time, school treasurers were part-time in many small rural districts, and the financial accounts were simple.
The Internet started changing how schools and ITCs operated. In the 1990’s, having a high-speed connection to districts was the envy of schools. Technology began having a much greater role in the way learning took place in the classroom. The fiber network to all ITCs in 2004 was a significant enhancement to the Ohio K12 Network. Along the way, the OECN emerged as a leader in providing technology and solutions to Ohio schools.
Now, the growth in the use of technology for both the administrative and the instructional areas continues at rapid pace. Today over ninety percent of Ohio schools have between 100 megabits and 1 gigabits of Internet bandwidth.
The OECN collaborators are collectively committed to ensuring that all students in Ohio have adequate connectivity and access to resources to get the education they need to be college or career ready.
ITC Partners
- Area Cooperative Computerized Educational Service System
- Connect
- Hamilton-Clermont Cooperative Association
- Licking Area Computer Association
- Metropolitan Education Technology Association Solutions
- Miami Valley Educational Computer Association
- Northeast Ohio Management Information Network
- Northeast Ohio Network For Educational Technology
- Northern Ohio Educational Computer Association
- Northwest Ohio Area Computer Services Cooperative
- Northwest Ohio Computer Association
- Ohio Mid-Eastern Regional Education Service Agency
- Southwest Ohio Computer Association Council of Governments
- Stark-Portage Area Computer Consortium
- Tri-County Computer Service Association
- Western Ohio Computer Organization

Ohio’s Information Technology Centers (ITCs) work together as a statewide network known as the Ohio Education Computer Network (OECN). The Management Council represents and supports their collaborative efforts implementing a broad spectrum of academic and administrative technologies across Ohio’s PreK-12 education system.