Survey Review Q7-10 Demographics
Entry ID | Feedback on Q7 – Q10 |
21027 | |
21028 | |
21029 |
7-10. I know we’ve talked about this, but just making a note here that the review and final approval of the language for these questions must come from ODHE. |
21032 | |
21033 | |
21037 |
7. What is your gender? Change to: To which gender identity do you most identify? |
21039 |
You might consider allowing for a multiracial option for question 10 although ‘Other’ could be used. |
21040 |
#9/10 – IHEs with Title IV federal financial aid programs must use the two-part question exactly to collect race and ethnicity information. See this page for more details: Institutions MUST give students and staff the opportunity to self-report their race and ethnicity. Students and staff do NOT have to respond. Institutions MUST use a 2-part question to collect these data. The first part of the question collects ethnicity, and the second part of the question collects race. The questions must be presented in this order: |
21041 | |
21042 |
For #10, please add a multi-racial option or allow users to select multiple options. |
21043 | |
21044 | |
21048 |
It may be useful to note that the separation of Hispanic/Latino ethnicity is due to federal reasons here. For those who aren’t familiar with that it can be off-putting or challenging. |
21055 |
Should students have the option to decline to indicate their age? |
21056 |
#7 — The gender identity question is not inclusive. I would recommend a broader question that asks about gender identity, not gender. A sample question is pasted below: |
21057 | |
21058 | |
21059 | |
Entry ID | Feedback on Q7 – Q10 |